August Newsletter and Notice of Special Motion

The August Newsletter is now available and has been emailed to members. This newsletter includes a notice of special motion to make some changes to the rules of the association. The proposed new By-Laws was included with the newsletter as was the minutes of the latest committee meeting. These are also available in the members area of the website. If you are not getting emails from WARMS it could be that we have an incorrect email address for you. Sometimes it is hard to decipher the email addresses on your application forms.

WARMS General Meeting - 26Oct21

A courtesy reminder of the upcoming WARMS General Meeting 26Oct21.

Details as follows:

Location: WARMS Clubrooms
Date: Tuesday 26Oct21
Time: 7:30PM

Should you have any items for the agenda, please email them to for inclusion. Additionally, should you wish to submit an agenda item, please be prepared to attend the General Meeting to speak to and answer any additional questions or queries that may arise from said item.

Member attendance at the General Meetings has been consistently falling in recent times with minimal attendees outside the WARMS Committee. It would be pleasing to see more WARMS members attend the General Meetings where possible.

We look forward to seeing you there. Should you wish to extend an apology, please feel free to email for inclusion into the meeting minutes.

SAFE WA Sign In Register

Please be reminded of the requirements to sign in on attendance at the field. Sign in can be completed in the book located the charge shed or via one of the SAFE WA sign in posters strategically placed throughout the club.

September Newsletter 2021

WARMS Solar Power System Update

A further update regarding the Installation and Commissioning of the Solar Power System that took place on Friday 03 Sep.

The installation and commissioning process went very well and we are now be able to steadily utilise the benefits of this system.

A big thank you to all who were involved behind the scenes with obtaining quotes, meeting with installation teams, digging trenches, configuring monitoring systems, maintaining senses of humor along the way etc. Without the assistance of the club members, this project would not have been as seamless as it was to achieve the desired outcome.

Special mentions to Tim Healey, Dave Thomas and Bill Bellian for their work on the project.

WARMS SWAP Meet - Saturday 13 November 21

It is that time again to clear out the workshop, spare room, kitchen table etc to make room for some new projects. With perfect weather around the corner, come along and grab some bargains, spin some tall tales, have a fly and support the club. Please find below poster with specifics.

Web Page Photo Gallery

Should you have any pictures of your aircraft, the field, groups of members at the club etc that you would like added to the WARMS webpage, please feel free to email them to:
The WARMS membership base has a very diverse range of models that we would love to get pictures of to place in the gallery.

 WARMS Field Camera Update

Lastly, thank you to the membership body for their patience and understanding with the recent field camera system outage. From time to time we experience unforeseen outages. Personnel involved behind the scenes maintaining and administering these systems always endeavour to rectify any issues as fast as possible.

Many thanks to Vincenzo Surace for his work behind the scenes ensuring the Field Camera is back up and running for members to view on the website.

June Newsletter 2021

AGM / Membership Renewal Reminder

A courtesy reminder that the WARMS Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place as follows:

Location:WARMS Clubroom
Date:Tuesday 22Jun21
Time:7:30 PM (Sharp)

It would be great to see as many members as possible attend this meeting. Should you be unable to attend and wish to send your apologies, please don't hesitate to inclusion into the meeting minutes.

Membership Renewals

Many thanks to the members who have recently submitted their membership renewal paperwork/payment for processing. We are off to a healthy start with quite a few being processed over the past few weeks.

Please be reminded that due to insurance obligations & requirements it is requested that membership renewals are completed and submitted prior to 30Jun21 where possible.

Copies of the 2021/2022 Membership Form can be found on the WARMS website ( in addition to copies being available in the WARMS Clubroom. Completed membership forms can be emailed directly or passed to a Committee Member.

March Newsletter 2021

COVID-19 Requirements

Just a reminder to all you are still required to scan/sign in when attending the field. This applies to visitors as well.
There are four QR scanning points available, two on the notice boards located at the charging shed, one outside the canteen and one inside the club room. If you don't have a capable phone, or your scan doesn't work, sign into the visitors book located on the bench in front of the charging shed.

Painting Club House Interior

A grant has been approved by AWA to undertake interior painting of the clubroom, toilets, kitchen. There will be some disruption to access over a period of days, apologies in advance for any inconvenience caused.
The start date for the painting is Monday 5 April and will take approx. two/three days.

Starting Benches Modifications

Thanks to Hillary for the modifications to the starting benches making them more suitable for larger models.

Safety Matters

A reminder to all that when starting and running up models (as per the By-Laws), use a mechanical restraint, point the model away from the pit area (South) and be at least two (2) metres from the pit area.

Demountable Storage Area

Due to the expectation of security for those storing their models, it is a requirement that only those who have paid a fee (for a space) to the club are permitted to access the demountable.
The door must be kept closed at all times after accessing and removing/replacing model/equipment.
The only exception to this are committee members who will access the area from time to time as required to check on storage/cleanliness.

Front Access Gates

Those members who access the field with trailers or large vans, please ensure:
1. Both gates are opened to their fullest, and
2. The speed limit of 20KPH, as for all vehicles, is strictly adhered to.

Caretaker’s Amenity

Lastly, please respect the Caretaker’s privacy and DO NOT approach the residence unless you have been invited by Bill, or urgent help is required, give him a call on his mobile for non urgent matters.


Again, thanks to all the volunteers manning the canteen.

Febuary Newsletter 2021

As per Government advice the WARMS field can reopen tomorrow Saturday 6th.
Note: This is presuming that the rules do not change later today (Friday).

However, everyone attending will be required to register (in writing) when arriving (book will be provided), MUST wear a mask at all times and practice social distancing.

The above is a mandatory requirement by the government and fines of both the venue (club) and individual will happen if we don't follow them

Also tomorrow there is a full fire ban in effect in the city of Cockburn so the field will be closed to flying

December Newsletter 2020

Hi WARMS family hope you had a great Christmas.

Some news items for club members.
1. A reminder that with the hot weather commencing that the club has a Fire Ban Bylaw in place that applies to all members and visitors to the field. Please read it and ensure you know what your obligations are. It applies to both state wide fire bans and local council bans.

2. Security camera's are now installed and operating, one is a panoramic view of the field and is updated every five minutes. This is available on the WARMS website and is accessed thru the drop down menu located at the top right hand side of the homepage.
The second is for security purposes only.

3. The club has purchased a defibrillator which has been installed in the charge shed. This was purchased in co-operation with the car club (50/50) and will enable them to access it at any given time.
Training by St Johns ambulance in the operation of the Defib is being organised for the new year and members will be informed when this is happening.

4. Just a reminder that aggressive and threatening behaviour/language towards any club member will not be tolerated and will be dealt with by the club committee.

5. Sponsorship for the club is being sought from several different sources to enable the club to continue to make improvements to the field.

6. The canteen continues to operate on every Saturday morning, opening at 8.00am, closing at 11.30am.
Thank you to all of the volunteers (Harry, Glynn, Tom, Ryan and Ursula, Bill, Mike and David.) that have operated it for the past 4 months, it has been a great success, well done!

7. If there is anyone out there that would like to assist in the canteen, just approach one of the committee to get your name put on the roster.

8. There is still quite a number of MAAA members cards in the canteen that have not been collected!!
Could you please approach a member of the canteen or a committee member to pick yours up.

9. The demountable at the rear of the clubhouse.
Spaces for storage of aircraft (only) in the demountable are available for rent on a monthly or annual basis.

Storage Space for Model Planes Available in Demountable


The demountable has been sectioned off into spaces for members to rent to store aircraft and associated ‘stuff’.


Members may rent a space subject to the following:

  • Payment of $10.00 per month, payable in advance

  • Members must provide their own hanging and racking arrangements (up to 2 metres wide ).

  • Fuel and spare LiPo batteries must not be stored in the demountable. No charging of batteries to be carried out.

  • There is no insurance coverage expressed or implied for any damages or losses that may occur (store at your own risk).

Contact Bill Bellian for access to the demountable.


Payment for rent in advance should be made by EFT into WARMS’ bank account. Cash payments may also be made to Treasurer Harry Hills.

A reminder to all, that unfortunately, the virus is still around, social distancing is still recommended and the other steps recommended by the health officials.

November Newsletter 2020

Just a couple of news items for club members.
1. A reminder that with the hot weather commencing that the club has a Fire Ban Bylaw in place that applies to all members and visitors to the field. Please read it and ensure you know what your obligations are. It applies to both state wide fire bans and local council bans.

2. Security camera's are now installed and operating, one is a panoramic view of the field and is updated every five minutes. This is available on the WARMS website and is accessed thru the drop down menu located at the top right hand side of the homepage.
The second is for security purposes only.

3. In the near future the club is purchasing a defibrillator which will be installed in the charge shed. This is being purchased in co-operation with the car club (50/50) and will enable them to access it at any given time.

4. Just a reminder that aggressive and threatening behaviour towards any club member will not be tolerated and will be dealt with by the club committee.

5. Sponsorship for the club is being sought from several different sources to enable the club to continue to make improvements to the field.

September Newsletter 2020


WARMS’ Canteen


Our canteen has now been operating each Saturday for the last six weeks, which is half way through its trial period of three months.


Patronage has been steady but Jayne is ever keen to prepare more burgers and breakies each Saturday for hungry fliers.


We are now selling ice creams at the canteen, in readiness for the summer months when hot conditions at the field need some cool relief.


The canteen operates much smoother when Jayne has the assistance of a member to process orders and make coffees. To that end, we are looking for volunteers to help out for a few hours each Saturday. Volunteers are needed to work two hours or the full three and a half hours. If you can help out, please text Harry Hills on 0419 922 760 advising your availability. Harry will prepare a roster of volunteers.

September Newsletter 2020

We will have some work happening at the club starting on the Thursday the 3rd of September, the exterior of the club house and demountable are going to be professionally painted. We ask for all members to give the painter space and not to interfere with him at any point while he is there.

Our canteen is operating again ...

WARMS’ Committee has arranged for our canteen to reopen, tentatively from 8:00 am to 11:30 am EVERY Saturday. Social member Jayne will be happily serving up your favourite fare of pies, chips, burgers, toasties and, of course, big breakfasts.
Members are encouraged to come to the Club on Saturdays to patronise our canteen to ensure its viability into the future. It would be appreciated if members could make their purchases with smaller denominations. And any member who can assist Jayne by working the till for an hour or two on Saturdays would be most welcomed.
Thank you Jayne and welcome to WARMS. We look forward to tasting your yummy treats.

August Newsletter 2020

Hi members sorry for the rather large newsletter, there has been some important changes and updates this month.

  1. WARMS has a new Facebook page for members. The address is Log in to Facebook | Facebook.This site is for all members to use for posting articles, discussions, comments, photos etc.However, in its use, inappropriate content, abusive comments about individuals, groups, the club, or club management will not be tolerated and will be removed immediately by the moderators and reported to the Committee. Access to the site by those individuals posting inappropriate comments and articles will be barred from posting anything further and may lead to additional disciplinary action for involved Club Members as per WARMS Association Rules - PART 6 — DISCIPLINARY ACTION, DISPUTES AND MEDIATION.

Log in to Facebook | Facebook

Log in to Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family and people you know.

  • MAAA cards have now been received and are now available from the canteen. Please ask a committee member to make them available. Not all cards have been received yet but will be received in the near future, so please be patient, it will take a couple of weeks. Also there is a MAAA sticker for each individual with your card.

  • The club is looking for volunteers to operate the canteen of a Saturday and/or a Sunday morning. Is there anyone out there willing to take it on ??

  • The early bird MAAA/AWA discount has now finished

  • The club's new weather proof, high definition camera is now installed, it has been tested and the pictures are very good, has now been put on the WARMS website. Thanks to Vincenzo, Bill and Mike for their efforts.

  • There are approx 6 models being put up for sale to club members plus individual pieces of equipment, (motors, radios etc). The idea is that people interested in buying would make a (reasonable) offer and the highest bid gets the item. Ask Bill if you want to have a look, and write your offer down and put it in the box in the club-room. Individuals will be informed if their offer was successful asap after this date.

  • A reminder, that any suggestion for ideas, improvement or constructive criticism that a member wants addressed has to be submitted to the secretary by email, the item can be put on the agenda and addressed at a meeting. The individual putting the item in email has to be at the meeting to support the agenda item.

  • The club has purchased two 6 channel, mode two, Spektrum transmitters plus some bits and pieces for use by the club instructors for training purposes.

  • IMPORTANT. Don't forget that the AWA Early Bird Special has now finished and the AWA/MAAA fees for the year are now $130.
